Ad & Revenue Operations Archives - Page 2 of 2 - YuktaMedia

April 28th, 2020

Publishers, 5 traps to avoid for increasing revenue

COVID-19 has landed Publishers in a unprecedent times. Publishers who were earlier just bleeding have now suddenly found themselves in the “death zone”. COVID-19 has dried up budgets and pushed Publishers in terminal velocity. If you look back at the past few years, you will begin to piece together a story for why Publishers find […]

March 6th, 2020

App-ads.txt, Are you implementing it correctly?

March 5th, 2020 / Publisher Operations, Monetization Strategy What is App-ads.txt? Publishers have already been using ads.txt to authorize partners who can sell their digital inventory. To know more about Ads.txt you can click here. Ads.txt was designed to cater only for Desktop and Mobile web traffic. With ever increasing fraud in Mobile App traffic, […]

August 12th, 2019

Revenue Reconciliation through YuktaOne

Are you an Account Manager? Or from Finance Team? If yes, then meetings with clients, email communications, phone calls, Power Point presentations are not new for you. What do you think if your day to day job is getting automated? I mean not the meetings and phone calls but, generating complex daily / monthly revenue […]

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