Tag: YuktaMedia

January 20th, 2021
Meet The Experts, Part-8: Interview with Hari Shankar
YuktaMedia is excited to introduce the eighth speaker in the “Meet The Experts” series. The objective of this series is to interview leading professionals in the digital publishing industry around the globe. The goal is to learn from the experts, especially now, that the Publishing industry is hurting the most. We hope that by sharing and learning […]

August 24th, 2020
YuktaMedia Journey – Interview with SAMACHARLIVE
Dipika Priya (SAMACHARLIVE) – About you (As an individual) Aditya Bhelande (YuktaMedia, Founder and CEO) – I’m a Product Manager by trade, with degrees in Industrial Engineering and Management. Had an opportunity to work in large corporate’s like Oracle and Yahoo in USA as well as startups like Dorado and PubMatic before starting YuktaMedia about […]

May 26th, 2020
wfh: work from home or work from hullabaloo?
In the past few weeks I have seen CEOs and other executives posting the fact that their team’s productivity has gone up x% (pick a number between 15-45) due to COVID-19 forcing their teams to work from home. But it’s not all sunshine and roses. Here’s a list of challenges your team members may face… […]