Case Study: YuktaOne Data-As-A-Service (DaaS) - YuktaMedia

April 6th, 2020

Case Study: YuktaOne Data-As-A-Service (DaaS)


AppMonet provides in-app display and video containers for top mobile apps and smart TV channels around the world. Through AppMonet, mobile apps can serve their users selected ads and greatly improve the user satisfaction. Hundreds of mobile apps worldwide with a combined 80 million MAU are using AppMonet.

Problem and Impact:

AppMonet is currently working with 40 plus Monetization / Demand Partners and needs to ingest data from these data sources on a daily basis. In the process of collecting data, AppMonet was facing the following challenges:

  • Appmonet frequently needed data from a new Monetization / Demand Partner. These Monetization / Demand Partners may not necessarily provide reporting API for data collection. Hence, a lot of manual work was involved in creating new reporting API connections. When APIs and scheduled reporting were available, then the team had to manually download the reports everyday.
  • Some Monetization / Demand Partners did not have any documentation for using their API connection.  AppMonet could not integrate these data sources and was manually uploading the data files for these sources.
  • AppMonet ops team was uploading more than 45 reporting files manually every day from different data sources. This required 4-5 hours of manual work and was prone to human errors.
  • AppMonet ops team didn’t have a centralized place to check the processing status of each report. They had to check individual reporting sources to verify their status. This used to take 2-3 hours. 
  • Monetization / Demand Partners which provided reporting APIs had to constantly spend time updating the APIs as they would get upgraded by the Monetization / Demand Partner. This took aways limited engineering resources away from their core engineering tasks.

Solution and Impact:

AppMonet partnered with YuktaMedia and implemented YuktaOne Data-As-A-Service (DaaS). Using DaaS AppMonet team was able to accomplish the following:

  • YuktaOne DaaS solved the problem by adding a new connector plugin by providing YuktaOne DaaS Marketplace where AppMonet could get access to more than 100 Monetization / Demand Partner report API integrations. All AppMonet team needed was the login and API credentials to configure the connector and they were all set. Data would then automatically get imported from the Monetization / Demand Partner’s system and pushed to a location of AppMonet ops team’s choice at the frequency they wanted.
  • In situations where Monetization / Demand Partners didn’t provide reporting APIs and or report scheduling, YuktaOne DaaS provided automation to automatically download reports from these data sources. This saved at least 2-3 hours of manual work for each Monetization / Demand Partners on a daily basis.
  • YuktaOne DaaS provided AppMonet with “My Reports” Dashboard which showed the status of each report. It gave AppMonet ops tema to verify reports and data on the fly. They could also check if reports from all the sources had been processed or not. Reports could be rerun from the Dashboard in case of issues. This dashboard helped AppMonet to take control of the reporting.
  • YuktaOne DaaS also gave the flexibility to schedule reports using dimensions and metrics that were required by AppMonet ops team. All they had to do was select Monetization / Demand Partners, reporting service (API), dimension and metrics associated with them. Once the dimensions and metrics have been selected, then report destination (Cloud or email) has to be provided along with report execution frequency. The AppMonet ops  team could pause the reports or make changes any time.


YuktaOne DaaS helped AppMonet to streamline and automate its data processing and month-end billing activities. Both accuracy and efficiency were greatly improved. Currently, YuktaOne DaaS is processing 30MM rows of data, by using 13 connectors, every month for AppMonet.

AppMonet Ops team has now stopped worrying about any delay or errors in the billing process and have focused on other vital business processes.

Aditya Bhelande

Aditya is the founder & managing partner at YuktaMedia. He has rich global experience in Digital Media having worked with large Publisher and Media Houses. That paired with deep technical knowledge of enterprise systems has let him found and lead YuktaMedia and create and drive the YuktaOne platform.

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YuktaMedia’s knowledgeable and experienced Ad Ops team has provided unparalleled support for Rotana sites by leveraging YuktaOne Media ERP for automated real-time reporting, revenue tracking, campaign pacing, performance and delivery.

Abir El Naboulsi

Sales Strategy Partner

“Working with the Yuktamedia team has given our company the extra support we needed to expand our business. The YuktaOne platform has reduced reporting hours significantly, allowing our internal team more time to focus on other initiatives. And our partners love having instant access to their data through a clean UI. We’ve worked with several outsourced teams over the years and Yuktamedia stands out because of their dedication to our success. It isn’t just about completing a task, Aditya’s team cares about producing quality results.”

Marisol Perez

Business Operations & Strategic
Partnerships | Digital Advertising

YuktaMedia has been an invaluable partner, helping us monitor our business KPIs with their platform. They build and maintain data connections quickly and they are very responsive to all our requests.

Jeffrey Wu

Senior Director, Global Operations

YuktaOne Media ERP has helped transform our client's business and has become an essential part of their ad and revenue operations. The Yukta team is knowledgeable, responsive and professional. We look to work with them whenever we can.

Stefanie Beach

Founder and CEO

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