How a Media ERP Can Elevate Revenue Ops to Drive Great Financial Outcomes - YuktaMedia

August 16th, 2024

How a Media ERP Can Elevate Revenue Ops to Drive Great Financial Outcomes

In an evolving business landscape, wherein the lines among sales, marketing, and customer experience only continue to blur by the day, a critical function for media companies looking to overhaul their go-to-market (GTM) strategy has emerged: Revenue Operations (RevOps).

Salesforce defines RevOps as a B2B function that uses automation to help teams make decisions that grow the business. RevOps brings everyone together—from marketing, sales, service, customer success, and finance—around three shared goals: price for better conversion and margin, reduce revenue leakage, and use customer data to identify new revenue opportunities.

What was once an unfamiliar term to so many, RevOps today leads business transformation—bridging gaps across diverse units into a cohesive revenue-generating machine.

Due to the rise of marketing ops in the early 2000s and the explosion of enablement technologies and data analytics in the 2010s, RevOps has blossomed to become the de-facto solution for how to solve this problem of siloed departments with disparate missions, disconnected customer experiences, and disjointed analytics. This evolution couldn’t be more timely—consistent revenue growth remains a challenge for 78% of B2B companies across all industries.

With that, 48% of companies now have a dedicated RevOps function today, which is an extraordinary 15% growth over the previous year. In addition, Gartner says 75% of the fastest-growing firms will have moved to a RevOps model by 2025. When marketing becomes relevant once more than ever, this trend explains not only why RevOps is important but also how urgent it is for companies to implement models designed to maximize revenue from all sectors.

But what’s driving this rapid adoption and growth of the RevOps function within companies? And how can media companies benefit from and build on this momentum to change their fortunes? Enter the game-changing solution: Media ERP. It empowers an organization with data centralization, workflow automation, and real-time analytics—all factors that help achieve great financial outcomes.

In this blog post, we’ll go a step further to explain how an integrated media ERP can combine forces with your RevOps function to help your organization not just meet but also grow beyond its revenue goals.

Common Pain Points in Media Revenue Operations

Data Silos and Inconsistencies

One common problem of media companies is managing huge volumes of data across multiple platforms that oversee advertising, subscriptions, and distribution of content. More often than not, this information resides in different departments or systems, which commonly causes inconsistencies and duplication of data. This often makes the single view of the business frustratingly unreachable and thus renders misreporting, hence an effect on strategic decision-making.

Manual Processes and Inefficiencies

Although media is already in a digital form, most media companies’ revenue operations are manual. Be it tracking ad sales, subscriber accounts, or reconciling revenue streams—each of these tasks is manual and very time-consuming. Not only does this slow down operations, but it also increases the chances of mistakes that may lead to discrepancies in finance and lost revenue.

Difficulty in Forecasting and Budgeting

It’s very tough to accurately forecast revenue and set budgets in a media industry that is changing day by day. It is facing fluctuating ad revenues, subscription model changes, and varying performance across content. Furthermore, according to Revenue Operations Alliance, about 40% of RevOps teams have no budget allocated. If organizations do not know how to project future revenue streams and expenses, they can hardly make any decisions related to resource allocation and content investment, not to mention further growth strategies. All this may lead to missed opportunities or excessive investment in low-performing areas, hence affecting profitability.

Lack of Real-time Insights

Real-time insight in today’s fast-moving media landscape enables one to make timely decisions. However, too many media companies are strapped with archaic reporting systems that give only retrospective data. This usually leads to a lagging information flow—missing opportunities and late reactions to market change and trends, while not being able to optimize revenue streams in the best possible way.

Complex Revenue Recognition Model

In particular, complex revenue recognition characterizes the media industry. With so many revenue streams, content formats complex in structure, and various distribution channels, the financial environment is just correspondingly complex. This includes advertising revenue, subscription models, and licensing agreements; without appropriate guidance, a situation could easily get out of control with respect to proper accounting and reporting. Not only does this multiply the risk of errors, but it’s also hard to have a clear and timely picture of the financial performance.

Benefits of Media ERP for Revenue Ops

Streamlined Ad Operations and Increased Efficiency

Media ERP can automate much of the ad operations, which are cumulatively very time-consuming. For example, instead of placing ad orders manually onto different platforms, a system can integrate into various ad servers and pull the orders automatically. This significantly reduces data entry errors and frees up staff to work on strategic activities like client relationship management or new ad product development.

Improved Revenue Recognition and Reconciliation Accuracy

Media ERP can track ad delivery across multiple channels, automating the matching process with their respective billing information. For instance, if a client has bought a multi-channel advertising campaign—if it’s going to run both on TV, digital, and radio—the system will automatically recognize revenue as ads are delivered on these respective platforms. This ensures real-time accuracy in revenue recognition for each channel that the ads are delivered on, significantly reducing the effort related to reconciliation and thus decreasing probable discrepancies in billing and enhancing accuracy in financial reporting.

Enhanced Data Management and Analytics Capabilities

Media ERP will be able to serve as a single source of truth for all data involved in ad sales, delivery, and performance. This would mean drawing from CRM systems, OMS, ad servers, and financial systems to get an end-to-end perspective on every client’s account for advanced analytics on cross-sell opportunities or probably those clients who are at risk of churn, based on patterns of engagement.

Enhanced Cross-Departmental Alignment

Media ERP centralizes data from various campaigns and channels in one platform, allowing for marketing, sales, and finance teams to be aligned. This way, it is possible to ensure that all departments access the same data and relevant insights in real-time, which is a critical prerequisite for coordination and common goals. For example, marketing teams will be able to measure campaign performance and collaborate with sales teams to ensure follow-up strategies are designed around which campaigns are most promising. Similarly, finance teams will be able to track the ROI from marketing efforts against their campaigns so that they can properly allocate and forecast budgets.

Increased Revenue and Profitability

  • Media ERP visibly maximizes revenue and profitability due to a streamlined and more efficient revenue operation. Spend in RevOps, powered by Media ERP; the go-to-market (GTM) expenses of the business are lowered drastically by 30%. This is because the Media ERP can deal efficiently with fine-tuning the management of campaigns and optimizing the allocation of resources. Additionally, companies stated an average increase of 10-20% in sales productivity because of the actionable insight and single customer view provided by the platform to sales teams. Furthermore, such productivity improvement translated into 36% more revenue growth and up to 28% greater profitability. (Qwilr)

Impact of Media ERP on Driving Better Financial Performance

Enhanced Financial Visibility and Reporting

Media ERP systems facilitate the integration of information from various sources, such as advertising-based, subscription-based, and content-licensing revenue, to name a few. This particular system provides a single visibility to the financial performance, which allows proper as well as timely reporting. The enhanced visibility helps media companies better their decision-making ability, mitigating financial risk to some extent, and being more compliant.

Risk Mitigation

Media ERP provides real-time observability of financial data, inventory levels, and billing processes in order to identify and deal with potential risks before they escalate. For instance, a media company may implement the Media ERP system to detect anomalies in the recognition of revenue or valuation of inventory. Such anomalies, if addressed on time, will help the firm avoid losses and maintain its brand image.

Streamlined Resource Allocation

While this may vary depending on the nature of organizations, media ERP systems give a holistic view of an organization’s resources and their utilization pattern, just like other enterprise resource-planning tools. This automatically enhances the effectiveness of how financial and human capital is mobilized, engendering less waste and more productivity for better bottom-line benefits.

Better Profit Margin Analysis

The integrated approach to Media ERP systems allows for better alignment across the organization, and this does impact profitability directly. According to LSA Global, highly aligned companies grow their revenues 58% faster and are, on average, 72% more profitable than non-aligned companies. This large difference underlines the financial benefit of such in-depth analysis and alignment that Media ERP systems can support.

Scalability and Growth Management

Media ERP can provide flexibility and scalability as businesses grow. In expanding a business, media ERPs are able to support increasing volumes of data, new revenue streams, and changing business processes. For example, companies that have publicly accessible revenue operations have experienced a 71% increase in stock performance—a strong indication that transparency breeds investor confidence.


A Media ERP integrated with RevOps assures much better financial performance amidst wide-ranging changes and data fragmentation in the media industry. Media ERP systems address common pain points—such as data silos, manual inefficiencies, and convoluted revenue recognition—by consolidating financial data, automating workflows, and delivering real-time insights. The results are compelling: improved financial visibility, enhanced cash flow management, optimized resource allocation, and better profit margin analysis. In addition, scalable systems that facilitate growth and investors’ confidence will enable Media ERP to not only align with but also amplify the benefits of RevOps—very much empowering media companies to accomplish their revenue targets and finally achieve sustainable financial success.
Don’t let operational inefficiencies hold your publication back in today’s competitive digital landscape. Be it revenue leakage, misplaced yield, or hidden margin killers, YuktaOne has what you need to prosper—right inside this full-feature Media ERP. Take the first step toward running optimized operations and improved financial performance. Fill in the form to schedule a demo with YuktaMedia and see how our solutions can revolutionize your digital publishing strategy.

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Aditya Bhelande

Aditya Bhelande

Aditya is the founder & managing partner at YuktaMedia. He has rich global experience in Digital Media having worked with large Publisher and Media Houses. That paired with deep technical knowledge of enterprise systems has let him found and lead YuktaMedia and create and drive the YuktaOne platform.

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YuktaMedia’s knowledgeable and experienced Ad Ops team has provided unparalleled support for Rotana sites by leveraging YuktaOne Media ERP for automated real-time reporting, revenue tracking, campaign pacing, performance and delivery.

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“Working with the Yuktamedia team has given our company the extra support we needed to expand our business. The YuktaOne platform has reduced reporting hours significantly, allowing our internal team more time to focus on other initiatives. And our partners love having instant access to their data through a clean UI. We’ve worked with several outsourced teams over the years and Yuktamedia stands out because of their dedication to our success. It isn’t just about completing a task, Aditya’s team cares about producing quality results.”

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YuktaMedia has been an invaluable partner, helping us monitor our business KPIs with their platform. They build and maintain data connections quickly and they are very responsive to all our requests.

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YuktaOne Media ERP has helped transform our client's business and has become an essential part of their ad and revenue operations. The Yukta team is knowledgeable, responsive and professional. We look to work with them whenever we can.

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