Tag: digitaladvertising

October 11th, 2022
Classified Ads Listing Management now gets digital with YuktaMedia
As a print publisher are you fed up with offline form submissions for Classified Listings? Well, Classified Listings have been a very important part of your business. So how are you collecting the information for the Classified from your client? If you are using the same old technique of paperwork then you must read this […]

September 29th, 2020
Meet The Experts, Part-4: Interview with Kautsar Ikrami
YuktaMedia is excited to introduce the fourth speaker in the “Meet The Experts” series. The goal of this series is to interview leading professionals in the digital publishing industry around the globe. The goal is to learn from the experts, especially now, that the Publishing industry is hurting the most. We hope that by sharing and learning […]

August 19th, 2020
Meet The Experts: Interview with Sanjay Sindhwani
YuktaMedia is excited to introduce the first speaker in the “Meet The Experts” series. The goal of this series is to interview leading professionals in the digital publishing industry around the globe. The goal is to learn from the experts, especially now, that the Publishing industry is hurting the most. We hope that by sharing […]

September 24th, 2019
DMEXCO 2019 | Discovering Publisher’s Challenges
The yearly pilgrimage to DMEXCO 2019 in Cologne, Germany turned out to a be very insightful. There were the usual behemoths like Google, Facebook, Adobe and more followed by smaller players and then by the smallest in Hall 9 called the Future Park. YuktaMedia’s booth was in Future Park in Hall 9 next to all […]