Reporting Archives - YuktaMedia

August 17th, 2020

Programmatic Reporting Best Practices

Just like any business, Publishers need to track KPIs for their business, especially revenue generated from programmatic every day to get an idea about the business. Publisher’s Ad Ops team spends the majority of their time generating reports. This includes activities like data collection, data processing, report generation, and then report distribution. After working with […]

April 28th, 2020

Publishers, 5 traps to avoid for increasing revenue

COVID-19 has landed Publishers in a unprecedent times. Publishers who were earlier just bleeding have now suddenly found themselves in the “death zone”. COVID-19 has dried up budgets and pushed Publishers in terminal velocity. If you look back at the past few years, you will begin to piece together a story for why Publishers find […]

July 8th, 2019

10 Questions Every Publisher should ask when selecting an Ad Network / Demand Partner

Publishers are trying to increase monetization of their website with Programmatic advertising, header bidding, direct campaigns, with the help of their sales and ad ops teams. To do so Publishers are always in search of a good Ad Network / Demand Partner. Publishers first need to understand various aspects of their inventory. To achieve this, […]

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