Author: Aditya Bhelande

July 1st, 2024
YuktaOne Media ERP Case Study | Automated Campaign Delivery and Performance Management
Learn how a large Ad Tech provider leveraged YuktaOne to deliver millions of dollars’ worth of campaigns… on time and with top performance! Customers’ Business Challenges: A large Ad Tech provider was working with Agencies to deliver their direct campaigns. There were specific challenges associated with these campaigns: Billing was done on 3rd party (Agency) […]

February 13th, 2020
YuktaOne Data Marketplace (DaaS) Part 2: Multi-Account Unified Reporting
Introducing Multi-Account Unified Reporting: In Part 1 of our YuktaOne Data Marketplace blog, we saw how YuktaOne Data Marketplace help Publishers to integrate data from multiple data sources (SSPs, DSPs, Ad Servers, Social, Email, CRM, etc.) in a single Dashboard. In case missed, you can read part 1 here : YuktaMedia team has successfully completed […]

December 12th, 2019
Data Aggregation Platform Selection Checklist
Recently there one of the Publishers’ asked a question about data aggregation platform to help them collect and process data from various systems that they work with on a daily basis. The response was so overwhelming that it was almost confusing!!! Hence, decided to create a quick checklist to help Publishers, Publisher Networks and Agencies […]

September 24th, 2019
DMEXCO 2019 | Discovering Publisher’s Challenges
The yearly pilgrimage to DMEXCO 2019 in Cologne, Germany turned out to a be very insightful. There were the usual behemoths like Google, Facebook, Adobe and more followed by smaller players and then by the smallest in Hall 9 called the Future Park. YuktaMedia’s booth was in Future Park in Hall 9 next to all […]

August 12th, 2019
Revenue Reconciliation through YuktaOne
Are you an Account Manager? Or from Finance Team? If yes, then meetings with clients, email communications, phone calls, Power Point presentations are not new for you. What do you think if your day to day job is getting automated? I mean not the meetings and phone calls but, generating complex daily / monthly revenue […]

July 29th, 2019
Fixing Publisher’s Broken Monetization Model
A decent part of digital entrepreneurs’ lives is spent time in attending industry conferences. In AdTech and MarTech, conferences have mushroomed in all locations, specialties, sizes and all types of budgets from small meet ups to exotic and expensive Cannes of the world. One of the notable things is that most of these conferences are […]