Monetization Archives - YuktaMedia

Fixing Publisher’s Broken Monetization Model

A decent part of digital entrepreneurs’ lives is spent time in attending industry conferences. In AdTech and MarTech, conferences have mushroomed in all locations, specialties, sizes and all types of budgets from small meet ups to exotic and expensive Cannes of the world. One of the notable things is that most of these conferences are […]

Five Reasons Why Header Bidding May Not Be Working for You

Recently, the team here at YuktaMedia has been helping publishers that are looking to take advantage of all the benefits of header bidding to determine and implement the right header bidding strategy and setup for their business’ unique needs—whether they want to use Prebid.js or another technology provider. It’s no secret that header bidding has […]

Beyond Data Aggregation

Data aggregation is an integral part of a strong publisher business strategy. Collecting all of your data in a single place in an easy-to-use and streamlined way makes it simple to optimize your business. At YuktaMedia, we work with publishers every day, and these are some of the questions we hear on a regular basis: […]

Successful Data Aggregation Platform Implementation Strategy

We talk to lot of Publishers who have implemented data aggregation platform and most of them replied they are not getting much out of it. So, we were curious and we studied bunch of Publishers over a period of time to find out where things went wrong. Most frequently asked questions by Publishers were – […]

Solving Publisher’s Revenue Management Challenges

Nowadays, Publishers are not limited to use only direct campaigns as a revenue generation stream. They use multiple revenue generation streams such as: Programmatic, Direct, Open Auction, E-mail campaigns, Social Media etc. In order to generate revenue, Publishers use different systems to execute their monetization strategy. All of their revenue data is spread across different […]

August 23rd, 2015

Inventory Monetization and Data Management Challenge

This post was originally published on LinkedIn Pulse. Most Publishers today want to have options when it comes to monetizing their display, mobile and video inventory. Publishers typically will have a ad server, a couple partners for video ads, a few for mobile ads and another set for monetizing display ads. In a recent survey […]

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